Sunday, January 03, 2010

Snow in Houston?
Yep, it's true. On December 4, there was snow in Houston (which was mama and dada's 16 year dating anniversary, by the way). Mama said it was too cold to go outside that night when she got home from work, so instead, she brought me in a bowl full of snow to play with. I happily spooned the snow from bowl to bowl for an hour. Dada did take me out in the snow during the day, you can check out the video on Facebook.
The next day, mama and I did go outside to play for a bit. Brrrrrrr, it was cold, especially for a Texas kid that doesn't have any gear to bundle up in!
This was all that was left of the snow in the backyard the next day. Mama said it was pretty pathetic, but cool all the same.

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