Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Welcome to the world baby Page! Page is Romy and Andrew's first baby. Grandma and Grandpa introduced Romy's parents, and mama and Romy spent summer vacations together. Mama was really hoping that Romy would have a boy so that I would have another boy to play with on family vacations, and her wish was granted. I can't wait to play with Page - I can tell from his cool duds that this kid is going to rock out. There is a link to Page's blog page up top.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Ga fed me blackberries for the first time today. Yummy!
I tried very hard to be good on the long truck ride back from Austin, but it felt very good to get out and stretch my legs when we got home. I played with daddy in the grass. By the way, happy Earth Day everyone!
Mama, Allison and Matt Byman, and Uncle Chris rode in the MS150 this weekend. This picture was taken at the end of day one. Mama was whopped. So...
Uncle Justy had to come by to hang out with me. He's young and spry, so it took him half the time to finish day one.
The grandmas enjoyed hanging out together. They are both wearing pink shirts and both drinking beer (even though they tried to hide them in the picture). Luke and I have the coolest Grandmas ever. Also note Luke's Lance Armstrong Discovery team jersey - we bought it for Luke when he was born, and it fits him like a charm. It has his name and birthdate embroidered on the back. You can check it out on the Byman's website by clicking the link to the right up top.

Here's Uncle Chris after finishing day two. He rocked. We are so proud of him for finishing, especially without his buddy, daddy. Mama wasn't nearly the team spirit as daddy.
Pawpaw just chillin' in Austin. He couldn't believe all those people!

I picked out a beer for mama after she finished riding on day two. The ice was neat.
I thought my mama was cool because she let me pick out her beer, but Luke's daddy let him HOLD his beer. Now that's super fly.

A video of Mama, Allison and Matt crossing the finish line in Austin, followed by Uncle Chris.

I guess the shirt says it all. My daddy tested for his 5th degree black belt on Friday. Mama, Ga, Pawpaw and I went to watch.
I gave daddy a pep talk before he began his testing.

Watching daddy sit up tall and wait for his turn to test. He's the guy in the middle of the picture. All these people in white uniforms...

Daddy worked very hard at his testing, and we are all very proud of him. During his third of four sparring sessions, he kicked some guy in the back of his head, but, it was too high and daddy ended up pulling his hamstring, bad (the bruise is NASTY). Daddy made a valiant effort to continue fighting, and even broke all his boards at four board breaking stations (the picture above is one station). Even though daddy was hurt, he fought very hard, and some (like mama) would say he was better than the guys that weren't hurt. It's going to be a slow road to recovery, but we know daddy will do it. Below is a video of sparring session one. Daddy's the one in the red helmet.