Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm smiling now, but I wasn't happy earlier today when I had 3 shots at my 4 month well baby exam. That Tylenol is good stuff. I am happy to report that I've grown - ALOT. I am now 13 lbs 9.5 ozs (more than doubled my birth weight), 25 & 3/4 inches long, and my head is 16 & 3/4 inches around. My stats from my last appointment were only in the teens, but I'm now 71% for height, 51% for my head, but still only 19% for weight. Looks like I'm going to be long and lean.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cheese! Count my dimples and rolls.  Posted by Picasa

Hi, I'm new here. And I'm going to take over! Posted by Picasa