Monday, July 02, 2007

On Saturday evening, mama, dada and I went for a walk at the new outdoor shopping center in Katy, La Centerra. There was a Columbian celebration complete with food, music and dancing. The Dynamo were there advertising for people to go to their games. They had their ACTUAL MLS championship trophy with them, and I just had to have my picture taken with it. Isn't it pretty. My precious.
Rain, Rain, go away...What to do on a rainy day?
I helped mama clean the house.
It's tough stuff getting the dust out of all these nooks and crannies.

Yes! I'm done!
Peaches, peaches, who loves peaches? I do, I do! I love to eat them, and stack them.
Visit with Logan and Liam Last weekend Janet, Logan and Liam came over to play while dada was at a taekwondo tournament in the Woodlands. I was (kind of) happy to share my toys. Mama is asking for advice on teaching almost one years olds how to share.
I let Liam play on my new riding toy so that I could play with Logan's hair. He was not too impressed, but is probably used to be pestered by his little brother.

How cute is Liam? And all that hair!