Saturday, September 09, 2006

Today Keegan and I went to Allison's house for Molly's shower, who is due at the end of September - another boy! It was so much fun to get all the kids together and to see the law school ladies. Stacy with Jackson, Kelly and Hannah and Allison with Luke - Barry and Molly aren't in the picture. Can you say baby boom? We all laughed that three years ago, we'd just taken the bar exam and no one had babies. In fact, only Kelly was married! It will be very cool to watch all these kids grow up.  Posted by Picasa

This picture's for you mom - I finally gave Allison/Luke the dog hat and Keegan his duck hat. Their heads are just too small. Maybe next time.  Posted by Picasa

Hannah is such a great little smiler and a very happy baby. She has grown so much since my shower in June - where does the time go? Posted by Picasa

Hannah and Jackson playing with toys. It was so cool to see them play - push buttons and hold toys. Keegan is fun now, but I can't wait for him to be able to play with something other than his feet! Posted by Picasa

Jackson can pull himself up and will be walking soon. He is the fastest crawler I've ever seen - like lightening! Posted by Picasa

Jackson wanted to play with Keegan. Don't worry Jackson - it won't be long before you two can run around like wild children.  Posted by Picasa

Barry having fun with Luke. Luke and Keegan continued the baby phenomenon - when Luke sleeps, Keegan is up, and when Keegan was up, Luke slept. They switched off in Allison's swing.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Oh my! Can you believe that I am already two months old? Where does the time go? At least I'm looking cool in my alligator onesie.  Posted by Picasa

Me and dad just hanging out.  Posted by Picasa

The family.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Look at the new slippers mom bought for me. They are rattles. I love these things, which makes mom very happy. We had fun taking pictures this morning.  Posted by Picasa

Happy baby!  Posted by Picasa

These shoes are so cool. They make me very happy.  Posted by Picasa

I like to kick my feet to hear them jingle. I have some seriously strong abs that mom is so jealous of.  Posted by Picasa

And try to catch my feet. Come here kitty... Posted by Picasa

(oops, don't know how to edit - meant to say) Hey Luke! We're still on for our playdate on Saturday right? Can't wait to meet Jackson and Hannah and see all the law school ladies.  Posted by Picasa

Hey Luke! We Posted by Picasa

All this playing has sure worn me out! It's nap time again.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 04, 2006

Daddy and Keegan hanging out on Memorial Day. One of the few pictures where Mommy caught Keegan's dimple on film! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where is Baby's Mommy? Keegan's mommy and daddy got to go on another date to celebrate their 3 year wedding anniversary last night. They went to Perry's Steakhouse for a good filet and an unbelievable dessert. Mom was relieved that she wouldn't have to deliver a baby the following day like last time she went out to a steakhouse - ME! I got to hang out with Peggy Conway again - she is my best friend. I love staying with her! Her daughter Ashley is very sweet to me too.  Posted by Picasa

Today I am eight weeks old (well ok, yesterday - mom didn't have time to post this picture yesterday). I have really got the hang of grinning now, and when I'm really happy, you can even hear me coo.  Posted by Picasa

And I'm going to be a quarterback, someday. Watch out David Carr.  Posted by Picasa

On Friday night I got to hang out with ALL the guys - Uncle Chris, who gave some much needed love to Mac, and Dad too. What a lucky guy I am. Uncle Chris promised that someday we would paint our faces and crawl around in the backyard together - although Mom wasn't too sure about that, I am really excited! I know we'll have all kinds of fun together.  Posted by Picasa

Look at me in my new blanket and hat that Dr. Pam knit just for me! I am very dashing.  Posted by Picasa

Oooh....mmmm....I'm so cozy I may just take a quick snoozer.  Posted by Picasa