Babies, babies everywhere...We are happy to announce the birth of Reese Caroline Williams to proud mommy and daddy Julia and Carl. Julia was one of mama's law school buddies that went to work in NY. Reese was born on Valentine's Day at 9:32 pm after only four hours of labor, weighing in at 6lbs, 15oz and 20.5 inches long. The family is all home from the hospital and doing well. We'll post pics when we get them.
And born just a few hours later was Hayden Gaile Henry, son of Kelly and Gaile and brother to Hannah. Kelly is another law school lady. In fact, all of mama's law school friends are prego again or have had their second (and no, mama is not prego, for those wanting to ask). Hayden was born at 4:33 am, weighed 7lbs, 3oz, and was 19 1/4 inches long. Hayden is cute, cute, cute, pictured below. It won't be long before he's running around with the other boys in our crowd!