Saturday, October 02, 2010

I got my first shiner of the year last week at school on the playground. It was an accident -- I was running, stopped short and got pushed into the playground equipment. A***r, my parents have their eye on you. It better not happen again. You know my dada teaches taekwondo...
Shout out to my Canadian relatives with my Prince Edward Island dirt shirt!
The Byman boys came over for a visit, and we are such nerds and so "into school" that we all sat down and practiced letters and writing our names. Of course, we had just finished taking out every single car that I own and lined them up and down the stairs, so we were ready for a little quiet time.
Making faces at the camera.
Dada told funny stories and jokes to the boys.
Angus and his mini-me.
Cousin Peggy came down from Boston for a visit. She is a busy lady, so we were so glad to catch her on the fly by. She was very smitten with Finn -- Peggy loves a baby!
Finn was catching some zzzs in his tent, a gift from Ms. Leslie. It was perfect until "I" decided I needed to run around in it. Everyone was scared that I would squish poor Finn, so Peggy scooped me up to protect me!
Here I am dancing my jig in the tent. "Jig" was one of our words of the week at school, so I was just showing off my vocabulary skills.
My buddy Cal caught this shark at the beach. I thought it was really cool until I was told that this means those sharks are swimming in the same water I swim in. EEK!
Almost 5 weeks, and I'm hacked off because I can't get enough food in my belly and I've got baby acne.
So I'm back in school and mama is packing lunches in my laptop lunch box. I usually eat my veggies (carrots in ranch [little purple container] and tomatoes and fruit (strawberries) really well, but I don't like protein. So, mama has resorted to making shapes with my cheese in an effort to get me to eat it. First example, a ferry boat, with a truck in the back and a car in the front. Appetizing?
And here, a container vessel. Despite mama's efforts at cheese art, I ate the tofu, pretzels and apricots, and told her that the cheese boat was busy sailing.
We had a blast at the beach over Labor Day weekend. Dada took turns tossing Zoe and I into the sky.
Go Zoe!
Leslie held on to Finn. Look at her guns!
There was a lot of fishing at the beach. Dada put out the polls for big red fishing.
Randy's girlfriend's son caught a big red, his first. This guy was so happy to catch this fish!
Finn and Ga spent some quality time catching up.
On Sunday we went to the Three Sister's Field Day at Luke and Davis' grandparents' house. I refused to play any games, even though mama practiced with me in advance and even showed me tug of war on the computer (monster truck versus school bus). I preferred to have dada chase me all over the big yard.
The infamous tug of war.
Even though our team didn't win, we have the most team spirit. Thanks for inviting us, and hopefully I'll participate next year!