Saturday, July 10, 2010

The whole family was excited to go to the beach for the Fourth of July. Mama and dada had been working their tails off and they were ready for four days of sun and fun on the beach. Well, Friday ended up being pretty ugly - rainy, windy, blah - it was the last of the effects from Hurricane Alex that made landfall in Mexico earlier that week. But we made the most of it and overall, it was pretty nice having the beach to ourselves. Uncle Chris came down to visit and he is my "best buddy."
Saturday morning we woke up and it was soooo pretty out -- bright sun shiny skies. Dada and Papa went to the beach to set up the canopy so that we could all go down and spend the day, but when they walked on the beach, they found that there was oil on the beach. Not huge globs, but enough so that their shoes and the tires on the golf cart got stained and gross. Everyone is bummed out -- Ga and Papa, because their beach is nasty, and mama and dada because they couldn't go down to the beach the rest of the weekend (not with baby gummy in mama's belly and me being only 4 years old). Our friends JB and Becky let us use their pool, but it just wasn't the same. The oil is getting worse, and huge blobs are washing ashore. There are news stations that say that it isn't tied to the Deep Water Horizon, but everyone here says that it just can't be a coincidence. We all hope the oil is cleaned up soon so that we can hang out on the beach again.
We decided to celebrate the 4th one day early and bought lots of fireworks to set off on the 3rd. I went with dada and Chris, and convinced them to buy all the "vehicle" fireworks -- like a fire truck where the ladder rose up when it was lit up, an aircraft carrier where the planes shot off the back when it was lit up, a race car that took off down the road, a green tractor, and my favorite, this fancy red plane.
Waiting for the sun to go down to light up my vehicles.
I really liked watching my vehicles get fired, but I am still not a huge fan of "adult" fireworks because they are loud.

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