Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Mardi Gras everyone!
This is the float for Ga and Papa's subdivision, Holiday Beach. The theme was Love Shack. We played the song ("I can't hear you!") and had a love shack on board. The coolest thing was that there was a port-o-potty in the shack so that people could get rid of their beers, or juice boxes.
This was my first time riding on the float, but I'm an experience bead catcher. It was nice to be on the other side this year.
Dada's shoulder is healing well from surgery, but dada wasn't able to ride in the float so he rode co-pilot with Papa in the truck pulling the float. Dada was sporting his Ireland beads.
Ga and our buddy Becky were all decked out and ready to go.
Mama had her beads on. She rode on the float with me to make sure I didn't fall over the side.
Ga gave me a special lesson on how to throw the beads far. We had so many beads that we didn't throw them all. We had such a good time that everyone is planning the float for next year, so the beads won't go unused!
Getting ready to launch.
Practice, practice, practice.
And finally, the parade got going and we got to throw some beads for real. Everyone was all decked out - this family even dressed up their dog. Look at all the beads he has on!
Look at this crazy lady and her wild pants. I'll tell you, we saw some pretty wild people.
These ones included.
It was a great parade. Of course, I had to dress up my car with feathers. We didn't spare a thing for Mardi Gras 2010. See y'all next year!

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