Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, December 26, 2009Mama took Jamie and Katie shopping, so I stayed behind to help Uncle Billy shovel. He shoveled off the sidewalk, and I shoveled it back on the sidewalk, big help. Notice Grandpa's new license plate in the background...he had ARBA, the name of his business, for years. Upon retirement, now he's got FGHOG --Fat Gray Haired Old Guy. The guys built a snow-dog, spots and all. I made my first snow angel.
And took a walk with Uncle Billy in the woods.
This wood isn't for the fire inside. Oh no, that fireplace is automatic - you just push a button. This wood is for the bonfire pit behind the house. S'mores anyone?
And just like that, our vacation was over and it was time to pack my matchbox cars in the carrying case Santa brought to me, and head for Texas. It was fun, y'all.

We'll be back in 2012 (if not before!)!!!!

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