Monday, April 23, 2007

Mama, Allison and Matt Byman, and Uncle Chris rode in the MS150 this weekend. This picture was taken at the end of day one. Mama was whopped. So...
Uncle Justy had to come by to hang out with me. He's young and spry, so it took him half the time to finish day one.
The grandmas enjoyed hanging out together. They are both wearing pink shirts and both drinking beer (even though they tried to hide them in the picture). Luke and I have the coolest Grandmas ever. Also note Luke's Lance Armstrong Discovery team jersey - we bought it for Luke when he was born, and it fits him like a charm. It has his name and birthdate embroidered on the back. You can check it out on the Byman's website by clicking the link to the right up top.

Here's Uncle Chris after finishing day two. He rocked. We are so proud of him for finishing, especially without his buddy, daddy. Mama wasn't nearly the team spirit as daddy.
Pawpaw just chillin' in Austin. He couldn't believe all those people!

I picked out a beer for mama after she finished riding on day two. The ice was neat.
I thought my mama was cool because she let me pick out her beer, but Luke's daddy let him HOLD his beer. Now that's super fly.

A video of Mama, Allison and Matt crossing the finish line in Austin, followed by Uncle Chris.

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