Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctors, blagh!
I've had enough of doctors for awhile, thank you very much. Last Wednesday, I got a fever, which broke on Thursday morning, but left me all out of sorts, including having a rash all over my legs and sores in my mouth and throat. Dr. Gordon sent me home with instructions to switch out Ibuprofen and Tylenol every four hours. By Saturday, I was feeling much better. I even went to Little Gym, having been temperature free for over 48 hours. Mama and I came home, ate some breakfast, and just before I was to go upstairs for my nap...BAM...

I crashed into the dining room table. Kabam! Mama and I spent the next three hours in Urgent Care, where they dermabonded my eye back together. The only really horrible part was when they wrapped me up like a mummy so that I would let the doctor clean it out and put the dermabond on. Other than that, no biggie, and I got my first sucker out of it. Overall, though, I'd give up the sucker for no more doctors for awhile!

Now I'm helping Ga and Mama recover from my virus. Everyone's just glad they are getting the sick thing out of their systems before Xmas. Ho ho ho is coming to town soon!

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