On Friday, I turned twenty months. Where has the time gone? Somehow, I've transformed from a baby to a little man. I hear all my friends are becoming "big boys", so I guess I decided it was time to pony up too, minus the siblings they are all getting (not yet, says mama). I am getting very daring as I come of age, performing such stunts such as forward rolls out my playhouse window and jumping off the couch onto the piles of cusions I threw off (while mama crosses her fingers that I don't break my neck, oh how my poor mama stresses). I am a pretty good eater, and still prefer fruits (especially burries, aka berries, and or-eenge, aka orange) and veggies (skash, aka squash, tomatoes), but will tear up a turkey dog or fish sticks if you give them to me, not to mention CHEESE! I repeat what I hear, so beware what you say. I say all kinds of words, too many to count, but I really am into "sneakers" right now. Just saying that word makes me laugh. I give wet, snotty kisses if you ask, and hugs where I smash my head into yours. I now demand lemons in my water, which makes it juice. As per the previous post, my favorite thing is the boat, and I am the captain, ahoy!
I'll drink to that!
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