Saturday, August 19, 2006

First parent's night out! Peggy, Marv, Kevin, Ashley and Max Conway graciously volunteered to babysit Keegan tonight so that Angus and I could go out for a date. It was absolutely wonderful. The books all say wait for six weeks before leaving the kid, and today is Keegan's six week birthday - we didn't waste any time. We went to Alamo Drafthouse to see Pirates of the Carribbean (we had intended to see it the weekend Keegan was born, but obviously those plans were cancelled). We ate well, I had a glass of wine, Angus a beer or two, and we both had dessert. Best of all, we were completely at ease that Keegan was in good hands at the Conways. And the bonus? The picture above shows Angus feeding Keegan the rest of the bottle of pumped milk that we left the Conways to use in my absence. So, Angus even got to feed Keegan today, where I've always had to do it before. What a great night! Thanks again to the Conway family. You guys are super stars! Posted by Picasa


Ellie said...

Remember it takes a whole village to raise a child. Aren't you lucky to have such nice villagers.

Ellie said...

Remember it takes a whole village to raise a child. Aren't you lucky to have such nice villagers.

Ellie said...

OOPS ...Got distracted and entered twice and don't know how to delete one.

Byman said...

We need some Conwaysin Pearland!! Actually, the Bymans came and allowed us a "date afternoon" as well and then took on the night feeding. Yay for sleep!