Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Christmas tree fully loaded. Can you believe how many presents there are? Posted by Picasa

The whole family got "Keegan's Pub" gear. Keegan's Pub is in Minneapolis. I'm going in two years to visit.  Posted by Picasa

Staci and Chris gave me one of the coolest presents - Texans' Reebox. Watch out David Carr! I'm coming for you.  Posted by Picasa

All I want for Christmas is a hippopotamus. Really, it's a song. My counsins sang it to me.  Posted by Picasa

I gave Grandma Ellie a paver brick that will be laid at Minute Maid Park that says "Go Lance". Berkman, that is. She was so happy, she cried. Grandma loves her Astros.  Posted by Picasa

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Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.  Posted by Picasa

I was a very, very good boy this year! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 25, 2006

My Uncle Bill teaching me about the ways of the world. He's a smart dude. I have lots to learn from him.  Posted by Picasa

Me and all the ladies, my cousins Jamie and Katie and Aunt Kristen. Fun! Posted by Picasa

Grandma sandwich.  Posted by Picasa

All I have to say is Grandpa is nuts. At least I think that's Grandpa.  Posted by Picasa

Christmas Eve dinner - Sauerbraten. Meat soaked in vinegar since Thursday (yes, this was Sunday) and potato balls. This was mom's second time making it - last year, she was pregnant with me, so doesn't remember what she learned that time. Pregnancy brain. One more time, and she'll have it down. I slept - still on a liquid diet.  Posted by Picasa

My cousin Jamie fed me a bottle. I'm all snuggly with her. She is also able to burp me. Rock on Jamie ~ what an accomplishment! Posted by Picasa

Playing with my cousin Katie. She encouraged me to eat the seal, that I was told was a blue bird. They need to get their stories straight.  Posted by Picasa

Laughing with Grandma. She's a funny lady. Posted by Picasa

Hanging out with Ma.  Posted by Picasa

Dressed in my holiday sweater from Ma's Godmother, Martha. Not sure what it is, but I'm told that is a snowman. Posted by Picasa

My first trip to a Mexican restaurant (last Tuesday). Daddy was hosting a TaeKwonDo get together, so I went along for fun. I was fascinated by the music and bright colors.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Great grandma Mary sent me a big fuzzy polar bear for Christmas all the way from Florida. This bear is my new best friend.  Posted by Picasa

He's so soft and fuzzy.  Posted by Picasa

Playing under the Christmas tree.  Posted by Picasa

Precious Keegan. Too bad he ripped out a chunk of his eye. Momma can't seem to keep those fingernails cut short enough.  Posted by Picasa

Momma - I want to talk to Dawn too! Posted by Picasa

Has anyone else tried the new caramel Baileys? Oh my, it is delicious. Mac likes the ice cubes soaked in it! Posted by Picasa